December 5, 2016

OUCRU leads first Science Café at Hue Medical University

Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU) at HCMC led the first ever Science Café at Hue Medical University on 29th October 2016. The speaker was Dr Pham Ngoc Thanh, and she presented the topic: Communication – Art or Skill ?

Science Cafés are events which facilitate the public to engage in conversations about scientific topics outside of the usual academic settings. Science Cafés, also known as Café Scientifique, started in the UK in the 1990s and have now spread to over 30 countries around the world. Science Cafés offer a forum for debating issues of science and technology and aim to keep science accountable.

The event in Hue aimed to:

  • Identify the importance of effective communication between doctor and patient.
  • Discuss patient demands or needs.
  • Discuss ways doctors can approach patients.
  • Discuss how to be effective communicators.
  • Identify the barriers to communication.

There were 36 attendees. Most of them were newly graduated doctors from Hue Medical University who majored in Public Health. They enjoyed the talk and asked a lot of questions. The doctors who attended said they found this was very useful for them and they learned about how to  show patients they care about them. Dr Pham Ngoc Thanh said of the event: “Good communication between doctors and patients is key for effective treatment. Improving listening skills is a challenge but interesting to discuss.”

– Nguyen Ngoc Bao Tran

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