Science Visit

Enable school students to discover scientific work and life of OUCRU researchers through joyful, compelling, and engaging visits.


Scientific research takes place in almost every aspect of daily life. It brings about wonders by finding answers to problems, thus making our lives better. Therefore, the earlier children get involved in learning about research, the greater chance they have of taking actions to build a
better world. However, there are very limited resources and opportunities given to school students in Vietnam to access to research models and authentic science at schools.

As a health sciences unit, OUCRU is very keen to engage school students in our research work as well as motivate this young generation to follow research as their career path. Our Science Visit project provides opportunities for school students from Ho Chi Minh City and nearby provinces to participate in joyful, compelling, and engaging visits to OUCRU.


The Science Visit aims to excite and engage school students in OUCRU scientific work to foster a lifelong appreciation for research. During the visit to OUCRU, school students will see how real scientific labs look like and participate in engaging activities to get to know about work and life of biomedical scientists.
Science Visit also provides chances for OUCRU researchers to enable their science communication skills to talk about their work with school students through participatory ways.

Key Milestones / Activities

Lab tour

OUCRU researchers in the role of “Lab guides” showed students what are going on in OUCRU laboratories and explained some biomedical researches underway at the moment.

“Photo” my science

We worked with OUCRU’s research groups to produce collections of postcards capturing their daily science work from different angles. Meanwhile, school students were encouraged to select pictures from the internet, magazines, or their drawings to show their imagination about the OUCRU research group they will meet. These visual materials were to generate two-way conversations
between the school students and OUCRU researchers.

Super small friends

Students would experience hands-on science activities in laboratories through doing several simple experiments under instructions of OUCRU researchers.

Chat with scientists

Students would work in group to collect information about some recent biomedical issues relating to fields of the available research group, then raise questions in order to ease their concern. This activity was to raise students’ awareness of some recent biomedical issues and emphasised the major role of scientists in finding solutions to public health crises.

One day as an OUCRU researcher

After each visit to OUCRU, students would be encouraged to make “Scientist-to-be” plans, which showed how they were inspired to become a scientist in the future. 5 students having the sincerest plans would be invited to spend a day at OUCRU with opportunities to deeply observe and learn about daily research work in labs and offices, interact with Group Heads, and other OUCRU people.

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