Indonesia Brain Infection Study (IBIS)

RS Hasan Sadikin (RSHS) in Bandung
RS Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) in Jakarta

Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjajaran, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, and OUCRU Indonesia, Radboud University

Principal Investigators
dr. Darma Imran, Sp.S(K)
dr. Sofiati Dian., SpS(K)., M.Kes., PhD
Dedeh Supantini, dr., SpS., M.Pd.Ked

Responsible Investigator
Assoc. Prof. Raph Hamers

December 2018 – ongoing

Patient recruitment is ongoing at two hospitals, with about 1,100 patients enrolled so far.

The IBIS study is an observational cohort study seeking to describe the clinical presentation, causes, treatment, and outcome of patients with central nervous systems infections in Indonesia.


The IBIS study aims to address the challenges posed by central nervous system (CNS) infections in Indonesia, such as meningitis, encephalitis, and brain abscesses. These diseases have caused significant illness and death, but their etiology has not been described well, diagnosis and treatment are often very difficult, and our understanding of risk factors and pathogenesis is incomplete.

The study collects information on CNS infections at two hospitals in Indonesia to enrich our understanding of these diseases and improve diagnosis, treatment, and intervention. The study also serves as a biorepository of patient samples for other research and may extend to other hospitals in the future.


The IBIS study seeks to describe the clinical presentation, causes, treatment, and outcomes of patients with central nervous system (CNS) infections in Indonesia.


The study initially received Dana Hibah Riset IPTEKKES funding from the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2019 and currently receives support from the Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust [110179/Z/15/Z].


The study has recruited 1,100 patients with suspected CNS infections at RSHS and RSCM. Data collected under this study can be and has been utilized by other studies, such as ULTIMATE, HARVEST, and ACT HIV.


Reinout van Crevel, Julian Avila-Pacheco, Nguyen T T Thuong, A Rizal Ganiem, Darma Imran, Raph L Hamers, Bachti Alisjahbana, Sofiati Dian, Riwanti Estiasari, Trinh T B Tram, Dao N Vinh, Hoang T Hai, Joseph Donovan, Edwin Ardiansyah, Valerie Koeken, Vinod Kumar, Mihai G Netea, Arjan van Laarhoven, Clary Clish, Guy Thwaites
Tuberculosis (Edinb)
April 30, 2021
DOI: 10.1016/


Darma Imran

Dr Darma Imran


Dr Riwanti Estiasari

Professor Reinout van Crevel

Professor Reinout van Crevel


Broad Institute


Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran


Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia


Hasan Sadikin Hospital


Radboud University


RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta

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