Debendra Singh Thagunna

Dr Debendra Singh Thagunna

Medical Officer

As a research medical officer, Dr Devendra’s interests lie in the field of research, particularly in current health-related topics such as infectious diseases, dengue fever, hypertension, child and maternal health, and emerging issues like antimicrobial resistance.

Dr Devendra is currently working as a medical officer under STRATAA (The Strategic Typhoid alliance across Africa and Asia), FIND (The Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics), ACT-South Asia (The Azithromycin and Cefixime Treatment of Typhoid in South Asia Trial), ACORN (A Clinically-Oriented Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network Phase 2).

Dr Devendra has worked in various departments, such as Emergency Medicine, General Practice, and Internal Medicine within the Patan hospital of Kathmandu Nepal.



  1. Joined OUCRU NEPAL as a Research Officer
  2. Medical officer at Manmohan Memorial Medical College and Teaching Hospital (Department of Internal Medicine)
  3. Doctor of Medicine (Equivalent to MBBS from BCCM Legazpi City, Philippines)
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