Embracing Vulnerabilities: Andy Musaffa’s Unconventional Path to Effective Leadership  

Bachtiar Andy Musaffa (Andy) stands at the intersection of data management and human leadership—a place where numbers meet the nuanced complexities of team dynamics. As the Senior Research Data Manager at OUCRU Indonesia, Andy is not only at the helm of organising critical clinical trial data and developing databases but also at the core of leading a diverse team through the highs and lows of intensive research environments.

Memimpin dengan Wibawa: Bagaimana Gaya Kepemimpinan Bijaksana Dr. Suwarti Menginspirasi Perkembangan di OUCRU Indonesia

Perjalanan Dr. Suwarti (Atie) bersama OUCRU Indonesia dimulai pada tahun 2018 sebagai penerima beasiswa Young Scientist Fellowship OUCRU. Saat itu, ia terlibat dalam studi tentang leptospirosis, salah satu penyakit tropis yang terabaikan. Rasa keingintahuan dan dedikasinya bagi kesehatan kemudian mendorong Atie untuk memperluas penelitiannya ke diagnostik molekuler Tuberkulosis, Covid-19, dan HIV.

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