The Value of Vaccines in Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance in Vietnam (GARP – 2)

Principal Investigator:
Professor Rogier van Doorn

One Health Trust

1 year

Literature review, regulations review and expert consultations

The project aims to generate evidence on the value of vaccines in mitigating antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Vietnam and provide policy recommendations accordingly.

The Global Antibiotic Resistance Partnership (GARP) was initiated in 2009 by One Health Trust. GARP is a global program with a significant impact that supports low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to develop locally driven national strategies and policies to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Currently, GARP-2 aims to generate cross-disciplinary evidence regarding the impact of vaccination on AMR in country-specific contexts. In Vietnam, the project is carried out in collaboration between the OUCRU and the National Hospital of Tropical Diseases (NHTD).


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a major threat to human health around the world. In Vietnam, the number of AMR deaths is higher than deaths from diabetes and kidney diseases, respiratory infections and tuberculosis, chronic respiratory diseases, digestive diseases, and unintentional injuries.

Vaccines are not only key in preventing infectious diseases but also play a vital role in combatting antimicrobial resistance and are listed as one of the tools for mitigating AMR in the WHO Global Action Plan on AMR 2015 and several National Action Plans on AMR. In Vietnam, vaccination is not currently included as such in the National Strategy on AMR.

Advisory Board

GARP-2’s Advisory Board was built at the beginning of the project, consisting of 12 members who are experts in the field of infectious diseases, vaccines, and antibiotic resistance in Vietnam. The purpose is to give consultation throughout the research process and on the research results.


On September 28, 2023, the research team hosted a webinar as the first Advisory Board meeting.

At the meeting, the research team presented the GARP project history, the research results on the value of vaccines in mitigating AMR in Vietnam. In addition, Advisory Board members had time for discussion on the Expanded Programme on Immunization in Vietnam: achievements, challenges and road map and the role of vaccines in the National Strategy on AMR in Vietnam.




National Hospital of Tropical Diseases


National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology


Pasteur Institute




Tây Nguyên Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology


Vietnam Ministry of Health


Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

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