Three-minute thesis competition 2019

Dr Leigh Jones

Regional Academic Training Leader at OUCRU & MORU

Dr Leigh Jones, PhD, oversees the academic programmes delivered in partnership with educational stakeholders, monitoring and evaluating supervisory and mentorship support networks, and training delivery (or sourcing) to provide personalised development for post-graduate students and early career scientists.

Dr Leigh Jones’s passion for capacity building and research support follows a successful career in immunological research, first in the UK and then in Singapore.

She has a strong track record in scientific writing, reflected in her first authorship publications and further enhanced by commercial experience in scientific communications. She has developed a rich portfolio of training course content in the area of scientific writing, delivering regular sessions across the SEA region and beyond, both in a face-to-face and online format.

Her work establishes, promotes and develops a culture of training excellence by providing the best environment, support and training, particularly for post-graduate students and early-career scientists.

The recent integration of this role across OUCRU and MORU provides a unique opportunity to streamline processes and create a larger and more connected student and supervisory network, enhancing the post-graduate learning experience.

She strives to continually improve local academic ecosystems by encouraging collegiality and networking, fostering excellence in mentorship, continual dialogue with stakeholders and partners for improvement and best practice sharing, and championing a better research culture.



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