OUCRU Selenggarakan Pelatihan Perawatan Intensif untuk Tenaga Kesehatan

OUCRU Ho Chi Minh baru-baru ini menyelesaikan program pelatihan perawatan intensif tiga hari tahunan di Vietnam, yang dimungkinkan melalui pendanaan yang murah hati dari Dragon Capital. Berdasarkan kesuksesan dari iterasi sebelumnya, pelatihan tahun ini bertujuan untuk membekali para profesional perawatan kesehatan Vietnam dengan kemajuan terbaru dalam manajemen perawatan intensif, terutama untuk penyakit menular yang mengancam jiwa.
Peneliti OUCRU Kembangkan Alat Bertenaga AI untuk Meningkatkan Perawatan Pneumonia

Sebuah tim peneliti di OUCRU baru-baru ini dianugerahi Discovery Award senilai jutaan dolar dari Wellcome Trust untuk mengembangkan perangkat AI guna memajukan penelitian pneumonia.
New Hospital Networks for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Vietnam

OUCRU Ha Noi and the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases (NHTD), under the guidance of the Department of Health, are collaborating to establish local hospital networks for Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) across Vietnam. This initiative, connecting district hospitals with provincial hospitals, leverages existing systems and resources to enhance AMS implementation and strengthen efforts against antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
New Research Sheds Light on Deadly TB Meningitis: Finding cues in the blood

In a new study published in eLife Journal, OUCRU researchers identified gene activity signatures in the blood of patients with a life-threatening form of tuberculosis.
New Study Shows High Acceptability for Point-of-Care Testing to Improve Antibiotic Use in Vietnam

OUCRU Hanoi’s new study has found high levels of acceptability for a point-of-care testing service to improve antibiotic dispensing for respiratory infections in Vietnamese pharmacies.
Community Voices Shaping TB Research in Vietnam

A recent publication by OUCRU researchers, published in the journal Public Health Action, highlights the importance of community engagement in TB research.
Call for Registration: 8th Annual Asia Pacific Conference on Early Mobilization and Rehabilitation in ICU in Ho Chi Minh City

OUCRU, in collaboration with the Vietnam Physical Therapy Association (VNPTA) and Tam Anh Medical Research Institute, is proud to co-host the 8th Annual Asia Pacific Conference on Early Mobilization and Rehabilitation in ICU. The conference is scheduled to take place on August 24-25, 2024, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
The Value of Vaccines in Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance in Vietnam

OUCRU Hanoi and its host, the National Hospital of Tropical Diseases (NHTD), recently organised a workshop entitled “The Value of Vaccines in Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance in Vietnam.”
OUCRU Successfully Hosts Viral Genomics and Bioinformatics Course

OUCRU recently hosted an intensive week-long training event, the Viral Genomics and Bioinformatics course. This event was organised in collaboration with Wellcome Connecting Science, highlighting the ongoing commitment of both institutions to enhance global health research capacity, particularly in the field of infectious diseases.
International Research Collaboration Confirms Novel Biomarker’s Accuracy for Predicting Preterm Births

A recent study published in the Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine has validated a novel biomarker that accurately predicts preterm births. The research represents an important advancement in the early detection and management of preterm labour risks, with potential implications for improving maternal and neonatal health outcomes in the Southeast Asian region.
Fostering Global Health Collaboration: Ho Chi Minh City Health Officials Embark on OUCRU-Led UK Visit

OUCRU, in collaboration with KPMG Vietnam, recently led a delegation from the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health (DoH) on a visit to the United Kingdom. This visit is a part of a UK-funded strategic initiative to support the DoH in developing Ho Chi Minh City as a health innovation hub for Vietnam and the region.
Bersama WHO, Peneliti OUCRU Turut Serta Memperbaharui Panduan Diagnostik Tuberkulosis Penting

Tim Tuberkulosis OUCRU ambil andil dalam penyusunan panduan diagnostik tuberkulosis (TB) edisi terbaru milik Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO). Panduan Operasional WHO tentang Tuberkulosis ini merupakan pedoman penting dalam mendeteksi dan mendiagnosis tuberkulosis (TB) secara cepat.
Dr Vu Thi Lan Huong: A Leadership Journey in the Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

Since obtaining her PhD from the University of Oxford in 2017, Dr Vu Thi Lan Huong has charted a transformative journey, rising to spearhead the Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) programme. Currently, as the Senior Research Fellow at OUCRU Ha Noi, she has dedicated her career to unravelling the complexities of this silent but deadly threat.
OUCRU Welcomes Guy’s and St Thomas’ Clinicians to Enhance Critical Care Training in Vietnam

OUCRU and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust have partnered to deliver a specialised training program in critical care medicine at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases (Ha Noi) and the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (Ho Chi Minh City).
Embracing Vulnerabilities: Andy Musaffa’s Unconventional Path to Effective Leadership

Bachtiar Andy Musaffa (Andy) stands at the intersection of data management and human leadership—a place where numbers meet the nuanced complexities of team dynamics. As the Senior Research Data Manager at OUCRU Indonesia, Andy is not only at the helm of organising critical clinical trial data and developing databases but also at the core of leading a diverse team through the highs and lows of intensive research environments.
RS Penyakit Tropis Vietnam Terima Penghargaan Prestasi Medis 2023

Tuan rumah dan mitra OUCRU di Kota Ho Chi Minh, RS Penyakit Tropis, baru-baru ini mendapat Penghargaan Prestasi Medis Vietnam 2023 dalam sebuah acara yang diselenggarakan oleh Voice of Ho Chi Minh City (VoH).
Memimpin dengan Wibawa: Bagaimana Gaya Kepemimpinan Bijaksana Dr. Suwarti Menginspirasi Perkembangan di OUCRU Indonesia

Perjalanan Dr. Suwarti (Atie) bersama OUCRU Indonesia dimulai pada tahun 2018 sebagai penerima beasiswa Young Scientist Fellowship OUCRU. Saat itu, ia terlibat dalam studi tentang leptospirosis, salah satu penyakit tropis yang terabaikan. Rasa keingintahuan dan dedikasinya bagi kesehatan kemudian mendorong Atie untuk memperluas penelitiannya ke diagnostik molekuler Tuberkulosis, Covid-19, dan HIV.
Peneliti OUCRU Kembangkan Alat Diagnostik Baru untuk Meningitis Tuberkulosis pada Orang Dewasa

Tim peneliti OUCRU mengembangkan model diagnostik baru untuk Meningitis Tuberkulosis (TBM) pada orang dewasa. Penggunaannya tidak bergantung pada analisis mikrobiologi konvensional, tetapi memanfaatkan analisis kelas laten Bayesian, suatu teknik statistik canggih, untuk meningkatkan kekuratan diagnosis. Pendekatan inovatif yang dipublikasikan di jurnal BMC Infectious Diseases terbaru ini menjanjikan peningkatan pendeteksian dan pengobatan salah satu bentuk tuberkulolsis (TB) yang paling berat.
Dr Jennifer van Nuil: Spearheading Social Science Research at OUCRU

With a passion for making a tangible impact on global health, Dr Jennifer van Nuil has not only established herself as a leading scientist in her field but has also championed change and personal growth in her team.
Inisiatif Teledermatologi Baru Tunjukkan Keberhasilan di Indonesia Timur

Dalam satu studi baru di The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene oleh Dr. Marlous Grijsen dan rekan-rekannya, inisiatif ini tercatat berhasil meningkatkan akses perawatan kulit berkualitas bagi populasi yang kurang terjamah pelayanan kesehatan di Sumba.