


Sunardi is an expert malaria microscopist at OUCRU Indonesia with years of experience in identifying both human and non-human primate Plasmodium species. 

He has worked mostly in the malaria research field for 22 years. He was previously involved as a data manager in numerous antimalarial drug clinical trials, in-vivo studies, and community-based malaria surveys in high-endemic areas in Indonesia and Vanuatu.

Since his involvement with the production of high-quality standardized malaria slides for teaching and research purposes, while he was at the Department of Parasitic Diseases at the US-military international biomedical research laboratory in Jakarta, he attended an intensive training on malaria diagnostics.

His assignment as a malaria microscopist started when he joined the efficacy studies of primaquine against Plasmodium vivax relapse in Indonesian soldiers in Central and East Java, Indonesia.



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